Monday, February 14, 2011

On the Burnt Tang-Lung

Everyone seemed to be in the mood for the traditional Chinese lanterns this year. It seemed as though it was the CNY trend in the city to have well-lit lanterns hanging in the porch or along the edge of the roof. So we had ours too! We never had any bulbs in our pair of lanterns in the porch as long as I could remember. But Dad caved in and went D.I.Y the whole morning connecting wires and bulbs...

By the end of the day, we've got a pair in the front porch, one inside the house, and multiple little ones on the corner.

The one inside the house, was actually a light offering we made in the temple last year. Had it brought home just a few weeks before after the offering 'expired'.

The ones in the corner... Was the decoration we had last year. Didn't really put much effort in how to arrange them mini lanterns; I just hook them around the handle of the basket in which we had our pamelo and mandarin oranges.

So... we've been SS-ing for the first few nights when all the lights were working. By nightfalls, we also had red lanterns shining (or flickering) in our home...

But hor... Lo and behold... On the first day of CNY, after we came back from grandpa's house, before we were inside the house, we noticed the flickering red lights from the mini lantern were gone... True enough, we opened the door to a dark living room. Apparently... Mini lantern went ka-poot... Before the New Year too!

Time to get new ones next year? LOL.

3 Jujus:

Small Kucing said...

Choi! Choi! Choi! Bad omen....hahaha...just joking not that supersitious.

well the good news is old things dont go new things wont come.

Really wonderful that you take the time to decorate the house. Looks so meriah

[SK] said...

burnt is the light bulb or the lantern?? wow, this is good sign, ONG ah~~ :p

Gratitude said...

Burnt? HUAT AR!