Saturday, January 08, 2011

On the Sunset on Jugra Hill

Jugra Hill, as how we call it, is the only higher land in Banting area. It is after all, the coastal area, Banting. So one fine evening, after many days of waiting for a nice day with clear sky and hot sun, we finally head out to the hill.

It is about 30 minutes from the hospital where we were staying in, but driving experience was cool. We passed through some small villages and drove on those cute small roads. When we arrived, it was already about 6ish. Some of the locals were hiking up the hill. Us? We were on suits and the girls were on stilettos. So we've got our cars all the way to the top. There was after all, a light house on the top of the hill.

The hill overlooks the coast, although it wasn't that near to the sea. But we could roughly make out it was approximately 15km to 20km to the beach. There was a big river. Otherwise, we couldn't actually see the town.

Nothing much could be done on top of the hill. But being me, quoting a friend, "We're willing to sacrifice our time to be Medie's model". If you get what she meant. I was there to catch the sun-set. Why else would I pick a sunny evening right?

True enough, the sunset was breathtaking. The other girls were screaming in joy.

Oh well, one tips for you who wish to visit, there's actually a cemetery on the way up. So if you're hiking, you might wanna come down earlier. Stories of the 'other' beings around weren't new.

2 Jujus:

[SK] said...

oh, nice photos.. :)

Small Kucing said...

lovely view and photos