Wednesday, October 27, 2010

On a Single-Sex World

Wondered if you read this piece of article in the paper not long ago; about the lack of the female gender in certain cities in Asia. China for example, due to their policy of only one child in a family, many preferred to have a son rather than a girl; so logically thinking, when all the families prefer to have a son rather than a daughter, who are the sons to marry when they come to a marrying age?

According to the article, Qatar faces even worse problem. There are 4 men to one women. So during summer holidays when the females brought their children overseas, the entire city is practically single-sex city with no females at all. So the men were literally chasing after anything in skirts, including hairy Scottsmen. No puns intended.

It's not yet a major problem we're facing now, although I have to agree that it's going to be an irreversible problem in the future. (Extinction of the human race?) But of course, when the problem finally manifests, there would be some brainiac coming up with all sorts of solutions, i.e. in-vitro breeding of human beings? And they'd claim that brainiac to be the savior of mankind. And after major controversies, after a few decades, he's the Nobel award winner for medicine and whatever science category. Because he prevented the extinction of human beings.

But then again, who are we to play God?

7 Jujus:

savante said...

We need homosexuality to save mankind!

Reanaclaire said...

like that.. then the ladies have a wider range of choices.. can do window shopping on the boys.. hahaha..

Paul Figaro J said...

if there is "like" button on the comment just like in facebook, I'll click it on Savante's comment

smallkucing said...

the solution - woman allow to marry 4 or 5 husband? kekekekeke

Twilight Man said...

The world is going crazy! We will have over supply of Chinamans soon!

Gratitude said...

I wonder what made you think of this topic?

Dr Sofea J.Ann Tan said...

agree with smallkucing..