Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On the Mooncake Festival

Mooncake festival came early in our family this year, while everyone was gathered in PJ. Brother was back for his long break while, the parents are enjoying school break. So since the holidays end before the real date of mooncake festival, we decided we'd just celebrate the gathering first.

Mum cooked up a feast. With the packet of Nyonya spices she bought while we were in Melaka, she whipped up assam curry fish and some Nyonya chicken. Like that's not enough, she added in our Hakka traditional dish of pork knuckle soup. There were also mixed vegetable and the roasted duck that she bought earlier in the morning.

We were very full indeed. After a couple of hours later, we brought out our traditional lantern for some fun. Sis suggested that we didn't use broomstick as the heat would've melted the plastic wrapper, the same goes to the plastic hanger and clips as well. So I thought we'd just tie them with some strings on the balcony.

The sight was really amazing. God knows how long ago was the last time I played such lantern...

But too bad though, the candles didn't last long. Averagely they burnt for 15 minutes or so. The brother was very persistent in replacing the burnt-out candles even after I gave up. One of the lantern even got burnt. LOL.

We finally had our mooncake at midnight. But the durian flavored mooncake was plain ridiculous... I thought I still preferred the original taste. LOL.

9 Jujus:

Twilight Man said...

You were like a happy child once again!

I hate durian moon cakes too. Better eat original hor.

Legolas said...

Always prefer egg yolk, the more the better!

Reanaclaire said...

Happy Mid Autumn to You and Family!

[SK] said...

nice photos from the lit lantern onwards leh, looks so professional..

Gratitude said...

Recycle the lanterns...at my place! ;)

tuls said...

i like plain lotus lor!!! dont like egg yolks one.. egg yolks blocked all the space for my lotus filling.. hahaha.. this year i ate a lot of free mooncakes.. thats why gain 6 kgs.. sigh..

Shingo T said...

That's why you are destined to be a doctor.

Danny said...

love the colored paper lantern.. creating such a warm ambience :)
happy kuih bulan :))

MiChi said...

So nice to have home cook food~~! Whatever occasion, family unity is always never to miss.