Monday, August 09, 2010

On the Ulcer-ish Tomato

Trauma team's morning round was way too early that I had to grumble to everyone on my way whenever I walked back after the round's done, when every other posting's colleagues were on their way to the ward. But that aside, now that I kinda like it more, I thought it's pretty interesting. Despite being shot multiple times by all those questions which left me standing dumb by the patient, I still enjoyed helping the doctors opening those wounds. You know... Diabetic foot ulcers... Fracture sites...

So one day during lunch, we had chicken rice with some tomatoes. Auntie in the hostel kitchen gave me a piece of tomato which was cut on the edges which left the inner sides of the fruit intact. Upon turning it around, eeeew....

There was some greenish discharge at the base. Granulation tissue was seen, the edge was irregular and appeared to be red.

It looked like one of the ulcers that I opened up to in the ward!

5 Jujus:

William said...

And you ate it anyway, right?

Gallivanter said...


[SK] said...

errr, still looks yummy to me woh, hahaha!! :D

smallkucing said...

work hazard...over active imagination..kakaka

blue said...

they used to have canteen-made KFC meal consisting of fried rice, mashed potatos and coleslaw...those were the good days..