Thursday, July 22, 2010

On the Golden Mouth

What's with the definite tumor that everyone will get in their life time that I blogged about yesterday, we were in grocery not long ago looking for salad material. Went through all the stuff in the cold storage and was terribly shocked with the price.

It wasn't before long that we walked AWAY from the open fridge along the wall that we found out that it was all the organic stuff we were looking at earlier. LOL.

Now now... health really can be bought using money. But are you willing to spend THAT much?

8 Jujus:

smallkucing said...

Yes organic stuff are more expensive. But you can try getting them from Tesco, Giant or Carrefour. Cheaper than Cold Storage. If want cheaper still..then from pasar mlm..but no guarantee it's really Organic or they just simply say.

[SK] said...

i don't mind if i can afford..

William said...

Some of the produce in your pics are not organic. Compost-grown, hydroponic and what not. That's just the Village Grocer price you're seeing. Expat shopping place ma...

Reanaclaire said...

either spend or ... shorter life? yes, organic stuff are always more expensive than the rest.. actually i dont buy those often.. buy from wet market more..

Gratitude said...
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Gratitude said...

Heard someone say this not too long ago..."eat healthy food, and then go get run down by a car. Must live life, eat whatever so as long as in moderation." Agree?

manglish said...

no need lar....

-KeO- said...

hmm...yea, agree with SK, but, im lazy to cook....=P