Wednesday, March 09, 2011

On the Farting

Been farting a lot. Like a lot, seriously. One in a half an hour or so; and if it's worse, it's fiery machine gun like.

Have no idea why I suddenly have this farting thing, not my usual habit. And I thought it's pretty annoying. Imagine being in a round or in a tutorial class, and the rectum feels full, and you know you have to let go the external sphincter to release whatever inside, be it gas or something more solid. But even when you know it's just gas, it's still a risk, because if it's loud, it's gonna look so bad...

Wonder if there's any anti-fart medications. Hmmm...

Although I know it's a good sign, the digestive system is good, just that I thought it's... not comforting. LOL

Now that I remembered, I actually blogged about it! LOL

11 Jujus:

[SK] said...

oh really?? farting a lot means the digestive system is good??

Small Kucing said...

Huh?....salah makan kot? Ate peanuts or what?

Gratitude said...


Medie007 said...

sk, dunno lar. just my deductions. since digestion produce these... 'gas'. lol

small kucing, dunno lor... eat more raw vegetable kot.

gratitude, cheh. it's normal okeh!

Anonymous said...

omg...i farted while reading this...

Reanaclaire said...

maybe u ate something angin?? carrots... or bananas..or what.. hahaha...

Twilight Man said...

OMG!! I could smell your fart when I clicked your blog! Did you post the e-smell too?

Twilight Man said...
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the viennamese said...

Good digestive system? Really? Hah. That's cool then cuz I fart all the time.

Anonymous said...

i remember watching mythbuster & they measure fart frequency after eating lot's of nuts/bean & soft drink.
conclusion, eating nuts/bean does increase fart :)
try reduce your bean intake for few days & see how?

Medie007 said...

haha. funny comments. *me likey*

lol. claire, i didn't really eat a lot of nuts lor. just some durians only mar. :P

twilight, ur nose so sensitive one! :P

vin, yeaps, as long as u dont fart near me. :P