Friday, March 12, 2010

On the Expensive Feet

We have expensive feet. At least I thought so.

My dad has pain in his feet after walking for hours in the mall. So does my mum. But my mum suffered from pain upon waking up in the morning as well, and she could barely walked for 2 hours continuously. My Sis of course, after her knee prob, now she has some Archilles tendon problem as well, I'm suspecting tendonitis. The brother, on the other hand, used to have really sweaty feet. So you go figure.

I should be lucky. I hope.

So we came to a conclusion. My family has expensive feet.

Apparently, my parents' and my sis had their problems resolved after they get a new pair of sandals with proper cushion. My brother no longer has the smelly feet after he got himself Crocs. And those shoes, are not exactly cheap. Mum's suitor was Scholl, Dad's on Clarks, Sis got herself Hush Puppies.

Not cheap. Not cheap.

5 Jujus:

Gratitude said...

That timberland le? :P

Anonymous said...

lucky me, my feet not as expensive :P

smallkucing said...

LOL my feet also dont have "expensive" taste..kekeke

Danny said...

expensive feet konon .. so, what's ur price? lol ;p

[SK] said...

well, guess every part of our body are expensive right?? :)