Me: Morning...
KW: Morning. You wake up early.
Me: It's 1000, somehow was trained to wake up at 8 for the last one week.
KW: We're going breakfast. Coming?
Me: Yeah sure. After that?
KW: Erm. I don't know. Breakfast first.
And so the first day of the holiday started off with me waking up to not knowing what to do. Nothing is planned, the new *ahem* someone is not around until Friday, hopefully he keeps his words, or I'm so going to be mad at hime for weeks. After breakfast, a haircut and a carwash, ShanG asked if I wanted to go out, but not to malls. That's how we ended up unexpectedly at Zoo Negara.We reached there at 1400, after of course, driving around cautiously, as none of us ever travelled up north-east KL before. KW drives back home passing through Batu Caves all the time, but never the zoo. And what's more, we had another car following us.
You see, what thought to be a small group trip of just KW, his girfriend ShanG, the girlfriend's close friend SC and myself, ended up expanding larger. SC asked another coursemate CT to come along as well. The more the merrier no? Indeed, the more it got then. CT brought along 3 friends of his: 2 graduating engineering students and a law student. And of course, one of the engineering student brought his girlfriend.
The trip kicked off with animal performances. Some parrots doing some tricks, and 2 seals doing theirs. Yea pretty much the same stuff. There's the penguin house which only houses 2 penguins behind the performance area, and an aquarium with dozens of BIG FISH.
After the show, I decided to adopt a little orang utan. I decided to keep it since he didn't want to let go of my bag! CT kidnapped one too. Erm well, actually he got his adoptation procedure cleared first. And yeah, his is bigger. That's the one hugging on the waist of a girl in the group pic.
Anyway, I've naming my adopted mon key Tutu.The rest of the day passed by practically just walking around the zoo, without a map. So we simply walked wherever we see a pavement. Which of course, did not help much, as all the pavements are connected like a net.
Not helping. Tutu just hang there and did nothing.
But we did see a lot of animals. Rhinos, hippos, elephants, zebras and giraffes. Monkeys, goats, cows, deers and birds. Of course, the frogs, snakes, crocs, turtles, boars and bears. I didn't take much pics on the savannah animals though, they're all gone by 4 in the afternoon.
We noted that, the savannah doesn't even look like one. It's more of a scrub, as I see it. We didn't see any zebras for the second time we went there (the first was when we were on the train), and KW and ShanG were jumping with joy as the savannah was quite an attraction when we first saw it.
We did bump into another acquaintance in the zoo. A couple who stayed in the same residential college as we did before. And the guy's a graduating engineering student while the girl's a lawyer to be. Small world huh?
We finally did made it out to the lake. Gladfully. After getting lost, or rather I thought.It was fun. Really. Spending time with the already so close friends, only make visiting to such places even more fun.
Oh yea, I do worry about my exam, still. I want to pass more than anything. I need my elective. And I'm praying...Yeaps, so that's all for the first day. Local attractions to come, we're planning to conquer the stairs of Batu Caves and the leaning tower of Teluk Intan... See! I've got so much plans already!
In case you were wondering why the photos were only of me and KW and ShanG, we were seperated from the rest of the convoy after we adopted our little monkeys. So nope, it's such a pity I didn't get closer to them engineering and law acquaintances. And erm, the twin's girlfriend was from the same secondary school as I was. I know... Small world.
And if you're wondering again, why is there no pics of mane-less lion, as I'm sure most bloggers know lau niang was there before and criticised the zoo to bit, well, here's the thing. Since he had already done so much a bad comment on the zoo, I thought I'd just show ya'll the pretty part of the zoo. It is kinda nice, considering the zoo is a self-funded attraction.
And if you're wondering again, entrance fee is 15 bucks. Unless you can cook up a larger group of 15 people.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
On the Virgin trip to the Zoo
Medieliciously written by Medie007
Also check out the other medielicious on Cute Housemates, Friends, Photos, Trips
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7 Jujus:
haha zoo^^ my favouritre place to go =p
oh dear. 1st he adopt it n now he's kissing it. wakaka...
Zoo?? the animal i love most ..ermmmm orang Utan....
My parents used to take me to the zoo when I was younger but I have never been there on my own, not even with my friends.
How come you didn't take pictures of all the animals you see?
jason: yea. penguins.
aaron: SMELLY>>>>
Koala: da da da da... he's MINE dont jealous!
KK: orang utan?? huh?
calvin: it'd be too long a post..
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