Sunday, February 24, 2008


I asked Calvin on MSN.

Why isn't the word 'sober' means something like, sad or disappointed or down or depressed or devastated or blue or.. you know, all those negative emotions that makes you feel like you hate life so much, that you're so fed up with it and would very much like to end so that you wouldn't have to go through one more miserable second in life.

And he sent me the "slap" emotions. You always come up with your own word, no? Fuckee, fartee, and whatever words you feel like fixing that suffix with. What else did you created? Penisularians? And he sent three more "slap" emotions.

And so I came up with my arguments. Well, I thought 'Sober' sounds more negative rather than the current meaning. And yes of course I know it means being not drunk. I just thought it suits better with the meaning that I want it to mean. You know, sob means crying, so why wouldn't be sober referring to something like a person in depression?

And he sent a "fainting" emotions.

MSN can be addictive at times. I mean I'm already addicted to it.

And yes, my right brain is more developed than my left. So yea, I can be arty. And I love being random. As well as going nuts. But I know I'm cute and lovable when I am all those. *sniggering*

8 Jujus:

Ganymede said...

I come up with weird words too. Hehhehe. Its farny. :P

joshua said...

What!!! Blasphemy!!!


savante said...

GASP. Peninsularians. Sounds like some kinda bug. Plasmodium peninsularian.

Jason said...

Eleh... cute pulak ^^

Anonymous said...

LOL. English is the most unpredictable and inconsistent language you know. =P

Medie007 said...

QR... farny? weird mei? :P

joshua! yay! same gang! wakakakakakaka

savante, brugia penisularian sounds nicer. wakakaka

jason, u know i'm right. :P :P :P

ember, i suppose all the languages are so lor hor?

Janvier said...

Oh please. To wake up sober and face reality that can be called Monday Blues or Exam Week or Oh Hell We Broke Up kinda thing - haaar, then you know how negative sober can be.

Or sober with hangover. Very negative. X(

Medie007 said...

hahaha... sooo true. :P