Call for visitors...

Me: Have you ever wondered if there's anyone who... like, waiting for visitors but no one's visiting and in the end they call up their friends and say "Eh, come visit my house la.."
Lil Bro: Tuh, Mummy like tat one lar!
Sis: Yakah? When? Got kah?
Lil Bro: Got! She was like, call up some of her colleagues and do that..
Dad: Of course no lar, she beat around the bush first...
And before long, we were laughing non-stop for more than 10 minutes.
On the Mussel

While eating, I deliberately used my hand to pick out the 'meat' from the 'shell' and do what I did best, describing how squishy squashy everything was, and Mum went "BOOOO! SHUDDUP! That's disgusting you know?". And everyone stopped for 2 seconds, then laughed in unison. Then I went again, "I bet this is the tummy. The food goes in from here, and then digest digest digest..." before Mum went "Seriously, I'm eating, you want me puking at u?" And we all laughed again.
* * *
A while later, dad did the same. He was poking at one corner of the meat and showed this really eww-ikh face. Mum literally hissed at me "see, you infected your dad with it already!" Dad protested, "there's fungi here! Look. Seaweed.." Mum was totally annoyed, "stop it already!" We couldn't stop laughing at how annoyed and irritated mum was...
Keep the Shell!
Sis: You know, the first time I had this at Manhattan Fish Market, I washed the shell and bring it home and keep it as souvenir.
Me: My gods... that also want to keep...
Sis: First time mar... Memorable you know...
Keep the Shell!

Me: My gods... that also want to keep...
Sis: First time mar... Memorable you know...
A while later, I showed her the mussel shells I've arranged on my plate...
Me: Here, I've got sooooo many shells for you!
Sis: Crazy bugger...
Me: You said you want to keep them what...
Me: Here, I've got sooooo many shells for you!
Sis: Crazy bugger...
Me: You said you want to keep them what...
Lil bro spitted out the water he just drank and choked... How fun!
On what should I wear

Me: Mummm... what should I wear later? What should I wear??!
Mum: Anything you like lar...
Me: I want to wear the traditional Chinese shirt.... But then hor, the Bonia shirt won't have it's launching ceremony this year...
Mum: Aiyooo.... then wear one when your friends visit, and change into the other when we go visit the relatives later lar.
Me: Wah... good idea...
So, I wore the cotton shirt from the sale while waiting for the friends to come. A while later, I went into the kitchen again...
Me: Mum, our family portrait last year is with me wearing the traditional Chinese shirt wor... if wear again this year, then it'll be the same...
Mum: Erm... true also... stick to this one lor then..
Me: Har... then ma no chance to wear the China shirt...
Sis: Crazy bugger, of all things to worry, he worry about what to wear...
Me: You're just jealous you don't have that much shirts to choose from. *sticks tongue out*
And we heard Dad laughing from the living room.
The one of the many reasons I love home, laughter. Somehow time and distances away from each other do help strengthen the bonds. We have never laughed that much for the past few months. Seriously... *ROFL* Mean we may be, especially as we get older, and we're treated as adults and making fun of the parents and have a good laugh together...
I just heart me family...
6 Jujus:
Oh....I wish I had siblings. Would love the laughter.
OMG!!! Your family is so damn cute and funny lah! So envy...
eeeehehehe... passerby... there are times when siblings are pain in the neck too...
calvin, thanks! we only got this cute lately. LOL
hoit there .. ha ha ha .. happy chinese new year! got ang pow a lot anot? share some la .. ha ha ha
If I said those, I think they'll laugh at me for being so "por mah".
hoit cibol! :P no lar... not much angpow... we don't practice the bachelors thingy, we practice the age thingy. LOL
jason...por mah. WUKAKAKA
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