Sequence of event: The morning before the flight.
Rush rush rush.
Flight's 1105, and it was 0900. We wanted to go to gram's place before heading to the airport, and all our bags were not really packed just yet. And by bags, I meant the bags and boxes of Prosperity Food. *sniggering* Every year mum would cook during the CNY, pork, duck, spring rolls, etc. etc., for the reunion dinner as well as to feed us and enable us to grow horizontally. And this year, it would be the 2nd year I'm going back to KL bringing a box of food that would last me for the next 2 weeks. Seriously. Plus, we've got the fridge at home now, it's even a better idea to have the box.
heavy brunch...
Mum woke up very early in the morning to warm up the dishes. Cooked the brunch, the last homecook meal before me and sis left for school again. I was packing my luggage and the lappie and all the techy stuff as well as the stack of notes too lucky to be able to fly over the South China Sea. Sis was downstairs, packing and sealing off the food while Dad was in the living room, sitting like a King waiting to be served. Lil bro? Er, still in dreamland I suppose. Of course, with us leaving in the next 3 hours, and Dad not helping out, and Mum doing everything in the kitchen, and presuming her hormone levels isn't as stable as it used to, there were shouts and grumbles and stuff...
duck, salmon, spring roll, fried chicken, abalone mushroom, PORK! oops. :P
Alas, we did finally manage to settle down at the dining table and have our ever so deliciously cooked brunch. Of course, with only half left on the plates though, as the other half were well tucked and sealed away in the tupperwares.
packed and sealed
... Sis and I will be bringing the box of food over to PJ, and like the previous year, apart from the cooked dishes, there's also some other delicacies. Yeaps. How could the continuation of CNY be complete without the cookies and the nuts? Not to forget... BAKUA! *LMAO*
yay! the Prosperity food!!!
Reached KL safely at 1300 despite some, erm, ugly incident at the airport, with me cursing underneath my breath from the check-in counter all the way to the departure gate. Ah well, gastrocnemius needs some excercise, and sure enough, the adrenaline rush was exhilarating! We took the bag of food off the overhead compartment, and pretended we didn't smell anything. Am pretty sure the other passangers are growling in hunger by then. *sniggering* Trully, we were so sorry we polluted the air in the airbus. *LMAO*
MORE prosperity food...
So. There's still 10 days of CNY to go. And I've got plenty of prosperity food. Anyone wanna come visit? Might not have those fabulously lavish glass jars and what not, just simple plain plastic jars and tupperwares. Besides, am pretty sure it's not about those pretty glasswares, it's the food that matters right? *LMAO*

want some?
12 Jujus:
ah! my flight 0600 this morning :P if only i took a slightly later flight hor? hahah~!
eh you brought back so many, send some over.
Awww got trouble with the bakua? Let us help you finish it. :P No charge.
haha.. careful o.. i post free bakgua~ alot ppl will haunt u.. haha. luckily not me.. i had too much -.-
leave some bakua for me ya.. hahaha.. happy chinese new year!
bakua bakua who wants bakua... come come come... :P :P :P
Ooh. Pork. Send some over.
there's some on the table outside... come over lar. :P
tell lah the address. like not sincere like that, ask to come never tell how to go :P
Do delivery? :)
bongkerz... ehsan ria condo, C612. come. come come. LOL
jason, no delivery, u have to be here! LOL
lol where is ehsan condo. hahahahaha!
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