Tie whores we are. We are tie whores. We love ties. Ties love us. Tie sellers love us too. And we love tie sellers as well.

And that hasn't include the collection of 19 ties I have inside my wardrobe. Reds, reds, pinks, champaigns, blue, shades of black, black and white, of course the yellow, green and gold!

I thought the 3 ties in the shades of black and blue that I bought like, uh, 3 weeks ago would be the last I would be getting for myself. But boy I was wrong...

Like, uh, Oh. My. God.
11 Jujus:
OMG! Giler...
Maybe I should showcase my small collection of undies too. :P
i saw a tie maniac!! wahaha..U really got lotz of tiezzz...
then wat colour u don hv yet?
no red colour for coming chinese new year?
Wah .. that's a lot. 12 at one go? I also love ties but i'm not too sure that the tie sellers like me or not but I occasionally buy one. at least one in 2 months.
You don't want to wear the same tie week in week out for work. ;)
too much ties already lar... duhz.. more than this working class of me! huh
defiant: DO that!
sally: wakakakakkakakakakakka... i have 3 redsss already
cibol: haha..get more then. Julio Michele is pretty cheap. 20 bucks in average at U@Parkson. Comparatively cheaper than jean mercier's. :P
famez: BWAHAHA. :P
You're not the only one :) By the time you start work, you'd have accumulated almost 40 at least!
paul, i'm only in my 2nd year and i've got 23 already. so hey, in three years time, are you sure i'd only manage 40? wakakakakakakaka
OH GOSH 23 ties by the year 2 of ur uni life.. this is HORROR!!!!!
Ties only kah banyak? One for every occasion and colour.
We're moving on to skinny/baby ties heh.
i have way too many ties, almost 60 or so, i totally lost count....
i used to wear a tie everyday to work, but nowadays, i don't bother o...
i prefer wearing a jacket ala the smart formal look minus the tie
wakakakaka, horror lei famez, :P
javier, i heart slim ties and flat end ties, but so de expensive... :P and not suitable with the lecture...
mr rainbow, u're HORROR!!!
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