Monday, November 05, 2007

Shoe-ting Test!

I went into Parasitology lab today to find out that there's a gazillion of specimens to observe today. I thought it would just be Q&A kinda class because we're in systems now. But I presumed all the microscopes outside the labs are more of a revision or something. So, as I was snapping the specimens for later revision purposes, I came to know that we actually have a test arranged at the same time as well!

Me: A test? Wha... what? A test??
Labmate #1: Yea.. All the other labs are sitting for it now..
Me: Oh noooo... what's it all about?
Labmate #1: Don't worry lar, it's not going to be included in the finals.
Me: Owh.. No? Okie.. That's fun! Yay! Test!

Well, the test was actually just as a measurement how well the Problem-based Learning Programme (PBL) helped us students in understanding a certain subjects. It's more of like the incorporation of everything really. A case was given, in a group, we will be going through the case, pick out the learning objectives and go back a week later to discuss what we listed in our learning objectives. Honestly, I think it sucks. I learnt nothing, it's a waste of time, and it's a tense situation no one really enjoyed, ESPECIALLY when you get a strict lecturer as your observer. Dang it! Yea, we're assessed for the PBL thingy, it contributed 5% to our total accumulation of the our Phase II. But still, the test isn't being counted in. So... YAY! So, you know-LAH, not studying plus not knowing about the test, it's always "shooting training". MuAHAHAHA... "tatrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

And later on, the Q&A with Mr. Mosquito (as how KK put it) ended in like 15 minutes. 4 cases in 15 minutes. That're is a reason why Mr. Mosquito is being labeled as Mr. Mosquito. But still, yeay! We leave early! teehee... Although truthfully, everyone was astonished to find we barely got anything out of the session. And Smart-arse Ben was Ha-ha-ing his signature laugh at me for showing this "Daaaa" look whenever Mr. Mosquito looked at me and asked me about the answers (I sat as the first one on his left). But no, I didn't answer a single question he threw at me, I really didn't know the answer, but, the face wasn't supposed to be "Daaaa" though. It's supposed to be "Errrr" kinda look. But dunno lah, Smart-arse Ben always have a different view one...


Revision revision...

5 Jujus:

savante said...

Not included in the finals? Flunk it lah.

Medie007 said...

@paul.. yea i think i did flunked it. LOL

joshua said...

like OMG. I have to complete PBL research in like 3 days later, on a good week.

A bad one? 20 hours later.

Also, it's like all the Ben(s) in my uni are also "smart-arse(s)"

Jason said...

That indicates you didn't do your revision :P

Medie007 said...

@josh: waddya think? should we change our names to ben? hahahaha

@jason: errrm... i'm only 'starting' to... and i cant seem to recall the antimicrobials tat i read....