Friday, November 16, 2007

Im.Prison.Ment Part V

YES!!! Coming to the fifth installment of my Im.Prison.Ment! *devilish laugh* Two more installment and I could overtake that rich-woman-who-wrote-about-Scar-headed-Potter. *devilish laugh again* Not like I'm making money or getting famous, but I'm going to have my VII instalment in just 2 more days! *triple devilish laughs* Yea yea, the stupid dream of comparing myself to that writer of Avada-Kedabra-and-Dumbledore-crushed-like-a-spider book.

I've definitely slowed down. I don't sleep at odd hours anymore. And I'm having my lappie on 24 hours (downloading Scrubs series on torrent). I've covered all the 4 subjects and now I'm VivA-ing myself with all the possibilites what might come out from that shrieking fuggin' exam paper in the chilly exam hall. Yea yea... I'm so smart... NOT. I'm refering to all the notes to find out the mechanism of the drugs and ewwwwkh I just fear when it comes to "Discuss the Pathogenesis of bla bla blek" Filthy frothy fuckin' freaggin shit.

And speaking of that Potter kid, I just came out from Wiki reading the synopsis of that last installment. Yea yea, it's so unfair considering I was a Scar-headed Potter freak. I heart Hermoine Muggle really. I mean the actor... she's so preeeetty. But considering she's as young as my younger brother and that my brother has a huge crush on her, I'll go for Cedric Giggory's actor in that Goblet of Fire movie. Gleeeee *grinning Cheshire cat* Now, back to The Deathly Hallows. How can Voldermort Tabooed (I'm speaking the Taboo! Death Eaters come eat me now, I'm prepared with the Petronus WAKAKA) die just like that?! At the very least he should injure Hermoine Muggle or Scarheaded Potter severely, or let Ron Redhead suffer from Pulmonary Tuberculosis. :P I'm so mean ain't I? Wait till you hear what I'll do with all those characters. I'll let Voldermort Tabooed die of Dissecting Aorta since that Avada curse fall back on himself, let him experience the pain of being stabbed from front to the back, and die of severe crushing pain in the heart straight to the back.... Blek... Too easy....

Let me try again... Hmmm... bacterial infection... no too slow.... drug poisoning... quite an idea, but too bizzare... Nevermind, I'll come up with something in my VII instalment. :D :D :D

Again, I assure you I'm sane. *lalalala*

2 Jujus:

savante said...

Apa ni? Kenapa belum baca Harry Potter? Go finish it lah.

Medie007 said...

yea yea.. i havent read the last installment... not in the mood to read lar... :P
but like i mentioned, i finished the synopsis... so i know who survived and who didnt...

hermoine and ron??? that rich woman ah.... aiyoooooo