Well, I thought it would be nice to blog about my housemates... since they're all so attention-seeking. LOL. I had a post about CH before, about how he's a good bed-mate, what he did when we sleep together and how he did it. It was just a small paragraph, but still... it was pretty hilarious when they found out I blogged about them after that, and we laughed so much we were tearing.
Anyway, CH's a guy who grew up in the outskirt, pretty much like myself. He used to be VERY active in his co-curricular activities, especially St John Ambulance. It was pretty cool to talk about SJAM while the others were talking about their red cross. I mean, there's this feeling of, similarity. Know what I mean? Then again, the difference between us would be that, he had a good childhood, memorable and naughty childhood, yet mine... I guess I'd be remembering about tuitions and achievements instead of rolling down the hill on a chicken pen and got scratched all the way from legs to thigh by a plank. Not that I'm jealous of his, but sometimes, he would sneered I didn't have a childhood. BLUEK. I do, I really DO! LOL
Okay, so there's this cute thing about CH. He's brave. He does what he wants to do, and he gets it done.
The other day, we were having lunch at one of the colleges' food stalls. After lunch, we were heading home. I thought he was kidding when he said we'd ride out and turn back to the parking lot. But he actually did. As I was with riding with another housemate, we just followed him. Well, not him alone, he was riding with YL. We turned into the parking lot and saw CH ran back to his bike. Curious of what actually happened, we rode up to where they stopped, I was astonished.

Can't blame him can we? He fell on his bike last year after supper at some junction, and we spent half the dawn at the A&E of UMMC. Lucky us it was the study week, but lucky him he didn't get himself severly wounded, or he'd be revising for the finals in the ward. However, the "rear-view" mirror of his bike somehow got beheaded, and there's nothing we could do to save it. So, he was riding around with a one eye-d bike all this while. Anyway, the fate of the mirror on the bike in the photo above was good. At least it didn't end up useless like the rest of the bike. Dude, that bike was collecting dust in the parking lot okay?!

And the one eye-d bike has gotten his sight restored. :P
4 Jujus:
All I wanna know is what he looks like :P
he's... cute...
Witness CLARIFY: He actually parked his motorbike near the entrance to our Block.....BT SOMEHOW The Bitch(stranger) who also park his motorbike there purposely scratch his bike......u know wat, like a dog use the urine to show its territory...then this IMMOral Bitch Use his Hand to do tet...Amazing........We should show our sympathy to the victim.... The VICTIM of uncivilization ...........
omg, that really happened ah? waaaa
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