Life's got by with me not been "in touch" with internet for a damn long time. I have no idea what I wanted to write since I've been so out of shape with blogging, so I'm doing some photos for the convocation that took place last week.
It was well, pretty much like convocation, there's nothing much to talk about anyway. The festival was, in one way, grand, but not as grand compared to last year's. Sis was saying last year there had been some complaints that the whole festival looked like some pasar malam. We didn't get any Batik Sutera Kelantan for mum this year, all the hawkers said it's out of stock already. So, yea, we didn't really got anything this year. :P

But honestly, I still prefer last year's. Sis and I went over on Friday to visit the stalls, couldn't help myself being artistic, though I know I'm way too far from being there. But still, the balloon and the convocation flowers bouquet which has since last year, turned into bouquet of bears, were quite attractive.
Then, there was the day when I got to meet my graduating buddy. How nice it was to meet them again. I guessed I won't be seeing LF since she's doing her houseman back in our hometown; as for SW, she claimed I'd definitely still be able to meet her. She's in Klang! Hohoho.
The square in front of Dewan Tunku Canselor was crowded as hell, God I swear I'd be choked to death. But it was nice to bump into SC though. SW has a sister my age who's now doing Pharmacy in another uni, we were schoolmate back then. Anyway, I guess that's all. Wouldn't want to put up any photos with my buddies in them in case they sue me of illegal publishing. LOL
It was well, pretty much like convocation, there's nothing much to talk about anyway. The festival was, in one way, grand, but not as grand compared to last year's. Sis was saying last year there had been some complaints that the whole festival looked like some pasar malam. We didn't get any Batik Sutera Kelantan for mum this year, all the hawkers said it's out of stock already. So, yea, we didn't really got anything this year. :P
Ooh, I just came across this video on youtube. Wonder if I'll ever be able to do that in 4 years time. LOL
8 Jujus:
Pesta Konvokesyen UM. Tried 3 years to eat the Nasi Dagang they sold there. Always sold out. DTC. Perdanasiswa. Brings back memories.
oooo... alumni??? nicey!
It'll be your turn one day :)
if i ever pass everything... :P
Have faith! I did it. So can you :)
Invite me? =)
hi bong, nice blog u have... wanna link up?
chester, the convo fest is over la... next year la, will invite u... haha...
paul, you know, u're the smart group of ppl who fret nothing abt exams, i'm half dead whenever finals come, i'd be glad i pass the exam still breathing. :P so, if i do get to wear those overall, i'd be darn glad already...
mike, sure y not>
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