Sunday, August 12, 2007

Visit to erm... Kid's house??

Yea, apparently that's what I could recall. We went to this place in Cheras, where a woman and her husband adopted about 30 kids, plus 7 of her own kids, under thier erm... house. PERNIM or something like that. I barely remember the full name. It's some sort like a shelter house for kids of HIV patients. At first I thought it'd be like a house for kids BORN with HIV (since they're anak pesakit HIV), but apparently, the chief clarified there's only 4 of them (or was it three?) that have to take meds to make sure they're alive. Now, if you want to bombard me with how come I'm not even sure about my facts, I can come clean with you, that I didn't quite like the trip. Although I did have a great time, I'd say it's a great time minggling with the juniors. My pseudobuddy's such a children person. And I just LOVE my 4 days di di (the one from Chung Ling Butterworth who's 4 days younger than me.) HAHAHA.

Well, I spent more than half of my time in the bedroom of the kids, listening to the chief. I'm not quite sure what's her name is. But she's crying while she talked. I couldn't quite catch what she was talking, but the way she told stories of her adopted kids and all, it just amused me so. I didn't moved my lazy arse, and apparently I just glued it to the carpet with some super strong UHU glue. There were one of two of the kids coming by, and a few babies as well. Coursemates came in and sat for a while, amusing themselves with one of the blinded child. Okay, so my lame excuse for hiding in the room was because, I'm not a kids person, I don't know how to play with them and I just don't play with them. I'm the ugly, serious, old uncle whom normally kids would not approach at the corner.

Overall, I won't really say it's a bad trip. It's enjoyable in brief. The babies are cute in one way, but I told you that, I'm just not a kid person. I won't say I hate kids, but I would say I don't generally like kids that much. On the other hand, I would say it's such a good activity forging closer ties with the juniors...

I've attached some photos I snapped from my camera phone.

Photo #1: Oh look! This aunty is making me some loooong balloon!

Photo #2: They're not IT illeterate... How advance!

Photo #3: And guess what, they're damn artistic as well. :D

Photo #4: Hehe... so many uncles around...


Photo#6: There, my pseudobuddy... Honestly, he isn't erm.. this dumb-looking in real life.. perhaps he's just not as photogenic as me. LOL

PS: Sorry for the late update. Wireless been naughty today, can't seem to get all the web pages displayed properly this afternoon.

PS: By the way, I found the web page of this PERNIM thing.

0 Jujus: