Today I'm going to do a reflection on August. Yeap, it's been a while since I blog about school, lectures to be exact... Ooh and the hospital as well...
Anyway, it just occured to me that, after 2 months in the 2nd year, I think everyting is picking up. At least I'm not as blur as I was in the first month, knew nothing as to what we were thought. I DO honestly read up, although CKW has been saying, I'm free-er compared to him, blogging practically everyday. HAHA. But then again, in case you forgot, I think I blogged sometime before that I pledged to make blogging a part of my life now. LOL. Well, when I say everything is picking up, I don't literally mean EVERYTHING, at least most of the stuff taught in lecture. Mycology is definitely still erm, a bit left out. That's why I'm like totally blank when we were doing labs on fungi this afternoon. But then, I got to agree Mother nature has so many ways of charming us with her powers. Guess how many ways fungi can ever come presented to us? There were a few plates in labs today, but I still love Aspergillus. 

Initially, all I wanted to say was, in 2nd year, when all the subjects you take are more closely related to the hospital compared to the basic stuff in 1st year, it's when you get your lecturers from the hospital. And there's a problem with having physicians as your lecturers. Your lecture got postponed, and you'll have lectures at odd times. Especially Pathology. It's like, we expect a postpone should the lecturer be late by 10 minutes. LOL. So, it's not surprising when I say, we basically sat in the lecture hall for 4 hours this morning. The 3 slots of lecture became 4 when Pathology arranged one of her class at 11.30am. Normally, being a typical lazy student, I would be gone after 2 slots of lecture. But amazingly, I stayed put through all 4 today. Not exactly something to be proud of, but it's definitely something worth mentioning.

Now, moving on to the hospital, I've just gotten myself something to do this Sunday. I'm now a Marshall for the CardioRun organized my University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine UM, to raise fund for the heart patient in UH. Well, not exactly the kind who stand by the road guiding the runners. I'm more of like, the one at the finishing line. HAHA. I give out tags to the winners. Not exactly medals, just tags to the first 4 runners, some sort like letting them know they won and they need to stay back. And what's more, I'm assigned to the VIP/CEO category. So, there's all this crazy fantasy of flirting with rich old men and asking them to be my sugar daddies. MUAHAHAHA.... Joking joking... Plus, after that, I think I'll be helping out at the CPR demonstration booth. So, yea, I'm promoting myself, not the programme. HAHA. Who want to see me sweating sexily do come by on Sunday, 2nd of September. The programme starts from dawn till noon. Not quite sure what other programmes are there, but there is a health screening as well. Anyway, I've got the CardioRun link on my sidebar. Drop by if you're free LAH. And I mean, physically too. LOL. UM campus, Sports Centre.

Photo courtesy of CardioRun.blogspot
4 Jujus:
Wait. Got cute runners kah? I can teach CPR.
yea, i suppose.. lol
they'll be all sweaty waiting for you. haha
Ooo that's how you're lecture halls look like.
Oooo sweaty runners! :P
ahah.. u didn't know how my lecture hall looked like before?
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