Saturday, August 04, 2007

Medical students... NOT

I saw J on MSN again today.

Bong: Yo pervert!
J: Hey extremely-free medic
J: Are you sure you're a medical student?
Bong: Nope. I just like to think I am...

Have you ever wondered why I'm THIS free? Blogging almost everyday and online all the time? I know I'm the least of a medical student. Basically everyone would be studying like mad right now, I mean with us already in the 2nd year for over 4 weeks by now. Medical Microbiology practically finished with all the cell-wall-ed microbs and now we're going into Mycoplasma with no cell wall. And I'm still on the 1st microbs- Staphylococcus... not even Neissera, which was taught in the 1st week, although that THING amazed me a lot seeing how much interested I am in gonorrhoeae and fellow STD. Syphillis is still a long way ahead if you ask, it's under Spirochetes, which is taught in lecture, just yesterday.

Basically if you ask me what my life is like this year, I'd say it's a lot of relaxation and lame excuses. I spent my Friday afternoons playing squash and sleeping way too early for a medical student that night, with lame excuses that I'm tired. I spent my Saturday lazying in bed, and chatting on MSN and Yahoo over lunch time despite it's supposed to be a good chance for me to catch up with my Pharmacology. And I think I would be spending my coming Sunday drooling over pretty MEN instead of the IT gadgets at the PC Fair in KLCC.

Okay, so maybe not MEN or those gadgets (even though I thought of getting a webcam), maybe not even at KLCC. But I'm darn sure this weekend is another burnt and unproductive one...

So here you go, my few lame excuses:

!) There's still time for me to catch up.
2) I'm getting used with my new Circardian Rhythm, I'll be able to stay up late soon enough.
3) Exam's still too far away.
4) I'm in my 2nd year already dear! There's no more chance for me to fool around if I don't do that this year.
5) What do you expect me to do when there's FREE internet connection?
6) And what do you expect me to be like when I'm practically living in a resort?!
7) Plus, I haven't been watching television for one whole year last year in when I was in hostel...
8) I told everyone I'm the least of a medical student. I'm living up to it. LOL
9) I need sidetracks while I'm trying to swallow Pathology...

Basically, I've had my lappie on for the past 72 hours. The wireless connection is weak, but at least it still allows me to log on to that snail-speed-loading Friendster site in a few seconds. So I guess it's still fast enough. I'm downloading movies. TV series more likely. A few Gigs of Charmed season 3. My sister added me on my Yahoo messenger today. I was hesitating should I or should I not accept her invitation, but in the end, on the facts that we're siblings, we chat first time ever over the internet this afternoon.

Sis: oi! So free ah? No need to study?

I left it for a whole 5 minutes before finally answered her question..

Bong: I leave my lap top on. I'm downloading movies.

I guess that helps a bit. At least she won't busybody-ly go and tell my mum I'm online 24/7 when I told my mum everytime she called that I'm busy... Too busy even to talk about the weather or the meals I took. No, I'm not being mean. I still answer her calls, I reply her messages. It's just that, her whole point of calling me is just to listen to my voice everyday. It should be sufficient when I say yes I've taken my dinner and I'm not tired today, isn't it?

Alex was asking me about my parents when we went out to Wai Sek Kai last night. He was curious how I actually spoke English to him when my mum is actually a Chinese language teacher in a secondary school. I mean, aah... well, first conversation always determine what language I use when I'm talking to a person. So yea, I guess seeing Alex could be another lame excuse of mine....

10) I enjoy meeting Alex...

I was listening to the soundtrack of Gray's Anatomy recently, over and over and over and over while I was reading Pathology last night and the night before. There's this song by The Radio called Whatever Got You Through Today. Sometime yesterday, there was a way of dreaming. But there's another way, you don't need to be a hero.... There's a lot to keep to holding on forever.. Whatever gets you through today... See the point?

Anyway, I think I'll go for squash again later on. And I'll come back tired and sweaty and smelly, so I'll have a lame excuse to sleep early tonight. Pathetic Saturday night spent sleeping early when I could actually go to Zuok with my buddies. LOL

3 Jujus:

Cyclohelix said...

Gone to the pc fair today, crowded. Basically, still at the verge of cloud counting this Next week's my exam, darn...

Medie007 said...

all the best! haha

savante said...

No exams yet right? Relaxs a bit lah.